Lake Vilbig Water Test Result By Jerry Skotak Lake water sampled on12/30/24@ 4:20 PM
Air temperature: 79℉ under clear skies.
Sample depth: 12 inches
Algae: absent
Watercolor: light green
Water clarity: clear
Water surface: clear
Water conditions: calm (moderate waves further out on the lake)
Water odor: none
Water temperature: 57℉
Conductivity: 711 µS/cm
Dissolved Oxygen: 7.0 mg/L
pH: 8.58
Water transparency: 2 ft 4 inches
Lake observations: The water continues to cool. The samples were taken under clear skies. The winds were out of the WNW at 10 mph. Algae is absent. The lake water level is slightly below normal. The drought condition for our area of Dallas County is abnormally dry. Two days ago, we received 0.48 inches of rain. A few turtles were swimming in the area, and quite a few birds and ducks were on the lake. Everything in and on the lake appears healthy.